Our technical consultancy mainly relates to modern or disruptive technologies, such as wireless communications, smart phones/NFC, smart cards/RFID, security, IoT Devices and drones. We are strong in intellectual property evaluation and technology assessment, but equally we can implement and test practically. We operate drones with a CAA GVC and A2 CofC qualified pilot and have access to sophisticated drone and robotic vehicle equipment via our academic connections.

What do we offer?

  • Evaluation and due-diligence of technology and inventions
  • Contributing to client technical and business strategy
  • Support for technology-based intellectual property legal issues
  • Review and authoring of general technical documentation
  • Implementation and test, of proof-of-concept technology and prototypes
  • Development of smart card and mobile applications
  • Field trials of communications, drones and security systems
  • Technical studies for influencing standards
  • Supply chain; general expert technical support
  • Technical support for client marketing
  • Drone surveys

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Why pick us?

Our clients have mainly been found through word-of-mouth recommendations, motivated by:

  • Top-class expertise from industry and academia
  • Extensive senior-level experience
  • Professional, reliable and timely project delivery
  • Trust, ethics and handling of confidential data
  • Ease of working, speed and flexibility
  • Fitting projects to client budgets and schedules

What to expect?

  • Initial response to enquiries from Director or Senior Consultant level; usually within two working days.
  • Exploratory call or meeting; usually set-up within one week.
  • Formal offer of support, with costed and scheduled project; usually within one more week, if requirements are clear.
  • Project work is carried out at locations of Crisp Telecom and Mayes Consultancy, with planned meetings at client sites.
  • Overall, expect a convivial experience with timely delivery against your requirements.
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